Thursday, February 18, 2010

What REALLY Happened at Tora Bora?

The Failure to Capture or Kill Osama bin Laden at Tora Bora still hangs over the CIA, U.S. Special Forces of all persuasions, the armed forces commanders in Afghanistan, and the George W. Bush administration.

The Al Qaeda leader escaped across the border to Pakistan's Kurram Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

The time of this hunt for bin Laden and his escape was October 12 to 17, 2001.

War in Afghanistan: Assault on Tora Bora Fought in early December 2001, the Battle of Tora Bora saw Coalition and Afghan forces attacking the Tora Bora cave complex in the White Mountains near the Pakistani more

The Battle of Tora Bora: The Definitive Account of How Osama Bin Laden Slipped From Our Grasp The New Republic

How bin Laden got away / The Christian Science Monitor -

Battle of Tora Bora
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1 comment:

Porky the Crusader said...

Allo,Leslie je connaissais pas ton Blog je suis très heureux que tu m'aie mis sur ta liste de Blog,j'ai fait de même sur le mien.
J'imagine que tu lis le Français puisque tu as des Posts en Français,je vais revenir souvent pour mieux te connaitre,Amitié Pierre.