Wednesday, December 31, 2008



. . . to all friends, readers, visitors, supporters, and supporting blogs,

from . . .

Islamic Danger to Americans
How to Stop the Islamic Jihad
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On the Back of My Mind

The Islamic Danger family of blogs

May the new year bring us all joy and glorious times, with the opposite to all who wish us ill and seek to destroy us.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Arab World ? A Myth!

by Jugurten

When a child, growing in my native Kabylia, I used to sing song… one that still sticks in my mind: When comes Spring in Kentucky… I didn’t know where Kentucky was… so I substituted the word Kabylia… in the song… and what a beautiful song it was then… and I still find myself humming it occasionally..

And this brings me to the idea of the arab world: I remember vaguely that I was told some folks in Algiers and surrounding area spoke a strange language, a mixture of berber and Arabic… Although theses people were berbers, I know this since many of them happened to be my cousins; one would call them arabs… Why? Don’t ask me.. Because the answer is simple.

When the first French settlers came to what they named Algeria, they assumed the country’s people were arabs. As simple as that.

For us Kabyle, we never asked ourselves the question as to what we were, it would have been absurd. But today, we realize the History had failed us.

When Algeria was busy fighting to recover its independence, some dark forces were at work, in the shadows of foreign lands. Somewhere in the middle east, some Algerians had the idea that if they aligned them selves with the so called arab world, they would get badly needed help.

How wrong they were!

They discovered a world that did not correspond to what men thought… and still today, the average western man is unaware that the arab world exist only in the mind of some with a hidden agenda. Hidden agenda, mind you, because there were some gains along with keeping that myth alive.
You know, there is oil out there and specially a docile group of diverse people…..
If we consider the Moslem world, western countries refer to them as the arab world!
Egypt has long been one that trumpeted its ideology… in the name of “arabs”…. Needless to say that it took them more then 20 years to slide into a forgotten state.
Iraq? Syria? … Where did the Assyrians, the kurds, druses Armenians… and all those ancient people go? Did they just fade away with the time? No they are still there, by acquired the arab language and culture. But does that make them arabs?
In case you answered YES, then you should also consider all the descendants of slaves in the USA as being white… since the acquired the white ways, language and culture…
Then we have the whole of North Africa….
True, some regions have developed a new language… from berber and Arabic… and yet the common man does not know that the morrocan peasant can not understand an Egyptian or a jordanian…

Where is the arab world?

There is not any…Only a myth…

More over, when we talk about the arab unity, the arab league….Where has it been .. or where is it ? I submit to you, it is a joke!

Islam is probably the only common link between these people and yet, for a person who has gone through these countries, the Islam one practices in one region is totally different from one in another region… It amuses me to read in Internet some lost characters who pretend in some unity… Just imagine the Christians pretending that across the globe everyone is in tune to the Vatican…

The World today, and mainly the Western World, must awake: The idea of a Greater Middle East… is a fancied world that must be dropped… for the good of all concerned.

I crisscross North America…and mainly USA… a Country with One Constitution, one Federal Government… and yet we have a diverse peoples from coast to coats… Don’t tell me that people of New Mexico Maine, Alabama… or Montana are alike!

I would laugh in my beard and dare say you know not the United States peoples..!

It’s the same with the so called arab world:
I’ll tell you something about my native Algeria: Peoples from different region are so different… you could swear you are in different countries In this is quite normal: If the nation of the USA was born in 1776 … Algeria as we know it was born in 1830….. and before that it amount to a series of mini states that formed confederations as the time required alliances…

Only when settled by the French did these territories acquire a sort of state hood before independence in 1962… The French Revolution is still incomplete… and yet it started almost fifty years earlier… then how do you see Algeria? The same applies to the whole of North Africa…

So please, let forget the terms used to name theses countries: We have names… so why do some people insist on telling us we live in the Magrheb, In the Great Middle East..

Please, leave us alone: We live in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia… in North Africa if you like just as you live in North America or South East Asia…

Please let ban the word Maghreb because it has no meaning. Maghreb means literally WEST…. I beg to ask: West of WHAT ? Why not East of the Atlantic for that matter! As for arab countries? There may exist one or two… if theses folks who inhabit them recognize themselves as arabs….

The United States refused to call itself an English Country although initially… Englishmen seceded from Great Britain… then why name us arabs since everyone know we are not arabs…

Unless… unless the western world is ignorant of the facts.

In which case, I invite all and everyone to get educated in the subject…. And I am sure that if you inquired… you will find out… that there maybe some connection with some middle eastern people… but the mainstream of peoples are anything… but arab… in the very countries you so wrongly call “arab countries”!


Posted Thu, 09/11/2008 - 11:11 by Jugurten

Why are non-Arabs More Devout Muslims than Arabs?

The Non Arab Muslims
by Mumin Salih at

The Arabs commonly say: Aazzana Allahu bil Islam, which means that Allah has made us (the Arabs) valued because of Islam. The Arabs point of view is straight forward; they were insignificant Arab tribes in the desert of Arabia who later ruled a vast Islamic empire. I don’t think there are many Arabs who question the accuracy of the above statement; even some Arab atheists tend to agree with it even though they also believe that Mohammed was a liar and brutal gang leader. However, the subject that the Arabs are far better off without Islam is beyond the scope of this article. But the question that springs to my mind whenever I hear the above Arabic adage is: can any other Muslim nation claim that Allah made them valued because of Islam? Can the Indians or the Iranians, who had a formidable empire in the seventh century, make such a claim?

Islam, a language based religion

Islam is the only religion in the world that is completely based on a language. Islam can only survive in an Arabic language environment, if the Arabic language disappears Islam also disappears. Learning the Arabic language is mandatory to all Muslims in order to read the Quran and perform the Islamic rituals.

continued at

The Berber Languages

by Lameen Souag

Berber is a family of closely related languages indigenous to North Africa, touching the Mediterranean and Atlantic to the north and west, and spoken as far east as Siwa in Egypt and as far south as northern Burkina Faso (with emigrant groups even further afield.). The term “Tamazight”, the traditional autonym of a number of Berber languages, is increasingly used as an alternative. The largest Berber languages by population are, from west to east: Tashelhiyt/Shilha (south Morocco); Middle Atlas Tamazight (central Morocco); Tarifit/Rifi (north Morocco); Taqbaylit/Kabyle (northeast Algeria); Tashawit/Chaouia (northeast Algeria).

While these are spoken across reasonably large, densely populated, continuous
areas, many varieties are restricted to a handful of villages (eg Ghomara in north Morocco) or a single oasis (eg Siwa in Egypt), often with little contact with other Berber speakers. The mutual intelligibility of Berber varieties varies substantially, making a division into languages difficult in practice; the whole family could be seen as consisting of two more or less broken up dialect continua, one in the North and one in the South, with a few more divergent outliers around the edges.

Almost every Berber language is surrounded by colloquial Maghreb Arabic speakers
on all sides, and is spoken in a state whose official language is Modern Standard Arabic, and in which the ex-colonial language (usually French) remains significant in official domains. The languages of the Tuareg (a sparse, partly nomadic population spread across a vast expanse of the Sahara) have come under much less Arabic influence than others; along with Zenaga (the nearly extinct Berber language of Mauritania), they have also been influenced by sub-Saharan African languages.

1.2 History

Berber is a subgroup of Afro-Asiatic; as such, it is distantly related to Arabic (and other Semitic languages of the Middle East), Egyptian, Somali (and other Cushitic or Omotic languages of East Africa), and Hausa (and other Chadic languages of West Africa.) It was already spoken in North Africa before the Roman conquest, as the Tifinagh inscriptions of the Numidian kings attest.

In the 7th century, the Arab Umayyad Empire conquered most of North Africa. While
the area resumed independence within a century or so, the results of this conquest were lasting; most northern Berbers converted to Islam, and Arabic became an important part of city life, widely used in government and trade. In the 11th century, large Arab tribes (in particular the Banu Hilal) immigrated en masse from Arabia via Egypt, leading to the collapse of state authority in much of North Africa and to the presence of large rural Arabic-speaking groups. This seems to have been a turning point in the Arabization of North Africa; with
Arabic both useful on a local scale and prestigious on a broader scale, many Berber groups gradually shifted to Arabic. Some have done so within living memory; for example, the village of Sened in Tunisia was still largely Berber-speaking at the beginning of the 20th century, but is now entirely Arabic-speaking. The long-standing influence of Arabic is reflected in most Berber languages' tendency to use Arabic numbers.

from The Typology of Number Borrowing in Berber
by Lameen Souag
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Dictionnaire berbère français, traduction en ligne - LEXILOGOS >> -

Civilisation berbère

histoire : de la Berbérie au Maghreb arabe

Histoire des Berbères et des dynasties musulmanes de l'Afrique septentrionale, par Ibn Khaldoun (XIVe), traduction en français par William Mac Guckin, baron de Slane (1852)
I - II - III - IV

Algérie - Maroc - Afrique

dictionnaire arabe

civilisation arabe

forum Babel consacré aux langues d'ici & d'ailleurs

Coptic - the language of ancient Egypt

from The Coptic Language: Will it be Resurrected? by thewinterrider at American Sentinel

The Islamic conquest of Egypt involved harsh repression of coptic as a spoken language. . . . today, the adherents of Coptic Christianity endure civic liabilities in Egypt that are unimaginable in the west.


It is generally believed that Coptic is an extinct language, alive only in the prayer books and scriptures of Coptic Christianity, which is one of the major branches of the Christian faith tradition. Coptic is the language of ancient Egypt. Unlike Arabic , it is not Semitic but Afro Asiatic. In its earliest from, it was written with hieroglyphics. Later, it was written with a phonetic alphabet which is mainly Greek but has added characters for sounds not found in Greek.

The Islamic conquest of Egypt involved harsh repression of coptic as a spoken language. Indeed even today, the adherents of Coptic Christianity endure civic liabilities in Egypt that are unimaginable in the west.

The most commonly believed time line of the Coptic language lists the mid 1600’s as the time in which the last speaker of this language died. Now there are reports that the language may still be spoken, still a living language.

The most solid report of Coptic language survival comes from the Coptic Monastery of St. Anthony in the Red Sea Mountains about 110 miles southeast of Cairo. According to the “redbooks” web site, the monks in this monastery speak Coptic among themselves as a language of daily business and discourse . The article notes as follows.

“Amazingly, the monks who live here still speak Coptic, a language directly descended from the language of the ancient Egyptians.”

Of course, what really makes a language alive is when families pass it on to children, or better still, when villages perpetuate an endangered tongue. Such reports about Coptic are not numerous enough for those who wish the language well.

Despite this, there is a report of an extended Egyptian family that speaks Coptic among themselves, including even the detail of a woman who got strange looks when she spoke it on her cell phone.

The Daily Star of Egypt reports ‘ “Mona Zaki is one of only a handful of people that continue to use the language in everyday conversation. She speaks a colloquial form of Coptic with her parents and a few relatives that dates back 2,000 years.

“In many ways it helps strengthen my faith,” Zaki said. “It has really helped when I go to church because they still use a form of Coptic for many services.” Her dialect, however, differs slightly from the standard Coptic that is used for study and church services.

She does not speak Coptic with her children.

“I felt that Coptic was a worthless language to have my children speak, therefore I did not do so when they were young,” said Zaki.

Coptic is the language of the first Christian church in history, and when the members of the two families that speak the colloquial form of Coptic die, it will be the first language of the early Christian churches to become extinct.”

Sadly, this article paints a portrait of a language in its dying stages , with one of its last speakers apologetically explaining her decision not to transmit it to her children.

The article about Ms. Zaki does however cautiously offer hope for the survival of Coptic as a language in the following paragraph.

“Some scholars have theorized that some remote villagers in the Delta region of Egypt or in the south of the country may still speak forms of the Coptic language. Because many Egyptians live in small villages away from government control and active study by anthropologists, it is theorized that Coptic will persist despite official numbers.”

It should be noted that the remoteness and disconnectedness of remote regions in the Arab world may actually be preserving many secrets. Americans who live in nuclear families that often spread out over wide areas are not equipped to preserve ancient traditions. The incursion of modernisation can sound the death knell for a language that is surviving. A case in point is Cuba, where Yoruba survived as a spoken language, until its speakers were sent to state boarding schools. This broke the chain of transmission for Yoruba in Cuba. Today, Yoruba in the Western hemisphere lives on in Brazil.

The factor of Islamic fundamentalism can not be ignored. There are too many examples of destruction of archeological treasures for political reasons. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel has been the scene of much Arab construction work, in which many Jewish artifacts and landmarks have been damaged and destroyed. It might actually be better for Coptic speakers to remain hidden for their own safety in the current political climate.

There is a place for archaeology, a very important place. But it is the living who make the shards and fragments of the past come alive. The treasures of Egypt are not only hidden in pyramids or underground vaults, they are in the hearts and on the tongues of its people. It would greatly benefit us all if these treasures were recognised and preserved.

read the whole article at

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Le Zénaga des tribus sénégalaises ... Faidherbe, Léon (1818-1889).

Faidherbe, Léon (1818-1889). Le Zénaga des tribus sénégalaises ...
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Le berbère en Mauritanie : une langue en voie d’extinction.,936.html

Grammaire Amazigh


Audaces conquistadores que, en otro tiempo, extendieron sus dominios más allá del Estrecho de Gibraltar, como sus antepasados habían protagonizado diversas rebeliones contra la dominación de romanos, vándalos y bizantinos, los hablantes zenagas (o iznayen, en amazighe) han quedado reducidos en la actualidad a un pequeño grupo en la costa sudoccidental de Mauritania. Pese a todo, su nombre evoca una de las grandes ramas de la etnia y la historia amazighes, de la que todavía se sienten herederos no pocas comunidades por toda la Tamazgha, aunque ya muy mezcladas con otros aportes humanos, sobre todo árabes.

Del ahora agonizante dialecto zenaga, se ocupó el autor que en esta oportunidad llega a nuestras páginas. Louis Léon César Faidherbe (1818-1889), destacado oficial del ejército francés, sirvió en Argelia de 1842 a 1847 y, tras un brevísimo paso por Guadalupe, regresó a la colonia norteafricana entre 1849 y 1852, fecha en la que fue trasladado a Senegal, donde ocupó el cargo de gobernador en dos ocasiones; la primera, de 1854 a 1861 y, la segunda, de 1863 a 1865.

Ingeniero militar, dirigió intensas campañas de ocupación en el África noroccidental, que le permitieron conocer con detalle las características geográficas de la región, así como la historia y etnografía de sus poblaciones, aspecto a los que dedicó varios estudios. A pesar del enfoque colonialista que impregna su obra, los trabajos que realizó poseen un valor indudable, pues reúnen testimonios e informes de un observador privilegiado e instruido. No en vano, por ejemplo, dirigió una misión científica en el Alto Egipto, donde halló inscripciones líbicas; estudió los materiales epigráficos numídicos y fenicios, y escribió sobre otras lenguas senegalesas, a las que confirió un tratamiento preferente en el Annuaire du Sénégal.

Aquí exponemos a continuación una pequeña muestra de su interesante labor investigadora, muy poco conocida fuera de los ámbitos especializados. La «Introducción» que volcamos al español pertenece a una pieza fundamental en la bibliografía lingüística amazighe, ya que el general Faidherbe compuso la primera descripción sistemática del dialecto zenaga, hoy casi extinto, hablado por entonces, la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, en el sur de Mauritania y en Senegal. El texto traducido, una mera aproximación etnohistórica, muestra sin embargo con mucha sencillez unas pinceladas muy relevantes del papel desplegado por este pueblo en algunos momentos de su pasado.

Autor: Louis Faidherbe.
Título: Le Zénaga des tribus Sénégalaises. Contribution à l’Étude de la Langue Berbère.
Edición: París, Ernest Leroux, 1877.
Fragmento: «Introduction», pp. 1-5.
Traducción del original francés: Ignacio Reyes.


El señor Renan, en su obra publicada en 1863 sobre las lenguas semíticas [*], propuso formar una familia denominada camítica con la lengua egipcia y sus congéneres. Dijo que futuras investigaciones revelarían si los idiomas bereberes, formas actuales del libio, deberían ser incluidas en la misma familia. Él sostuvo desde entonces como un hecho probado que estos idiomas no pertenecían a la familia de las lenguas semíticas, aunque presentaban afinidades gramaticales con éstas.

Desde ese momento, a medida que se alcanzó un mayor conocimiento del egipcio en sus diferentes épocas y de los dialectos bereberes, se estuvo en condiciones de comparar estas lenguas entre sí y determinar su grado de parentesco con las lenguas semíticas.

Es lo que acaba de hacer el señor marqués de Rochemonteix, en un trabajo presentado al Congreso Internacional de Orientalistas de París, en 1873, y que se acaba de publicar en 1876 (1).

Sus conclusiones son que (página 75): «La raza bereber y la raza egipcia han tenido las mismas raíces pronominales y han empleado procedimientos idénticos para formar el plural y los pronombres absolutos. La acción del tiempo y la índole de cada lengua sólo han aportado modificaciones superficiales que no impiden encontrar con facilidad los mismos elementos en los pronombres».

Añade (página 87) que «el estudio de las formas gramaticales muestra que las dos lenguas tienen el mismo punto de partida y emplean idénticos materiales, que tratan por los mismos procedimientos, para la creación de los matices verbales en los substantivos y su plural».

Respecto a la comparación de los idiomas bereberes con las lenguas semíticas, reconoce reglas comunes en la conjugación; dice (página 98): «Estoy inclinado a creer que, tras mucho tiempo en contacto con la raza semítica, los pueblos bereberes, iniciados en una conjugación totalmente hecha en una lengua que se les hizo familiar, conjugación que dio a la expresión una precisión mayor, adaptaron a su tiempo rudimentario las formas del aoristo semítico».

Se resume diciendo (página 10) que ha constatado la identidad de los elementos gramaticales del egipcio y del bereber.

Pero el señor de Rochemonteix declara (página 69) que sólo ha podido interpretar los datos tomados de los dos dialectos bereberes sobre los cuales el general Hanoteau ha publicado sendas gramáticas, a saber: la gramática cabilia en 1859 y la gramática tuareg en 1863 [**].

Habiendo concebido la idea, después de tener conocimiento del trabajo del señor de Rochemonteix, de comunicarle un estudio sumario que yo había hecho en 1854 sobre el dialecto zenaga, hablado por los bereberes de Senegal, me dijo que pensaba que la publicación de este trabajo sería muy útil a la ciencia.

Por ese motivo me he decidido a darlo al público, tal cual, es decir, como fue escrito en 1854, cuando aún no habían aparecido ni las gramáticas del general Hanoteau ni la del señor H. Stanhope Freeman (1862) [***].

Me parece oportuno ofrecer algunas nociones históricas sobres los bereberes-zenaga en cuestión.

Sin remontarnos a los libios, de los cuales he hablado en varios trabajos que he publicado desde 1868 (2), me contentaré con repasar la excelente obra de Ibn Jaldún, historiador árabe del siglo XIV [****]. «Toda el África septentrional hasta el país de los negros», dice, «ha estado habitada por la raza bereber, y esto desde una época de la que no conocemos ni los acontecimientos anteriores ni el principio».

Las naciones más célebres de la raza bereber fueron los zenatas, los zenagas, después los masmudas, etc.

encore . . .

Monday, December 15, 2008

Islam In Action

via Islamic terrorism in India

A succinct presentation of the history of the peace religion . . .
Follow this link

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Libya and the confiscated lands of Imazighen (Berbers)

Libya and the confiscated lands of Imazighen
9 November 2008

EMMAR* Libya and the confiscated lands of Imazighen

*Global real estate properties in UAE

The last two years an investment plans under taken by the Libyan government and supported by the Arab investors from the UAE (United Arab Emirates) planning to reconcile a project that will integrates under roof of developing special zone in the Zwara region noticing that the Libyan regime ignores and non-supportive for any local investment. This time, EMAAR* moved into another new territory taking the global colonization policy, moving up with resigning contracts [1] when it signed a joint venture agreement in Libya with the Zwara - bu Kemash Development Zone with its unofficial head; son of Kaddafi, Saadi Muammer Kaddafi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zwara - bu Kemash Development Zone placing his signature on a contract with EMAAR chairman.

More than 200 km² of confiscated lands by the mental corrupted regime and then what we lose our land our identity our self determination on which we struggle for. And this contaminates for the sake of what? Declared as minorities creatures by whom? An illusionary constitution, the law of tainted ideologies and abused policies under the name of National Arab Security.

“We are focused on developing the country’s infrastructure to further support the trade, tourism, industrial and services sectors, which will create economic alternatives and reduce dependence on oil revenues..." Saadi Kaddafi [2] to the Libyan press. That will be very simple to Kaddafi’s son; oil income is no longer for the Libyan now officially owned by them.

However, the reaction may have been predicted given its scope and will likely lead to a challenges by imazighen and their land through announcement called by some Amazigh militant with their long struggle holding the right to refuse in use of manipulation act with authority since the regime confront any sort of reaction of refusing by imazighen of Zwara tend to stop the uphold colonization investment. Still the state concern on how to convince them to resign their territory with bit of Dinars, although those North African governments are now enhancing their investments projects with the Arab nations substantially.

Its new political agenda in this case Zwara an Amazighphone region will face a rapid change from implementing this project specially when this area extends through long coastline will include Farwa island [3]. When it comes to series of steps announced by the Libyan government including plans for privatization which is the key pillars in its transition to a more free market economy its surely a different matter. But the privatization is only a new tactics played by the regime and this time by Kaddafi’s sons [4].

Considering his unveiled address by Saadi kaddafi, and his poor and useless words convincing his loyalty to the regime were he tried on the other hand to convince the Libyans his project, turning back the actual need of every Libyans (home, education, health, jobs better living conditions) how difficult it is to convince people, especially the educated youth and the intellectuals, to change traditional ways and adapt themselves to new conditions with the land burglar.

They have under taken some legacies for themselves without notifying Libyan people this is the case and a fact proven; were although many if not all, of these billions of dinars worth of chaos projects were withdrawn from the general financial cabinet. It’s only a matter of time reconciling our self step on maintaining the last piece of mosaic; the truth behind the new Libya.

The brave Amazigh women and men in our militant cultural and political movement have demonstrated their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice so that our Tamazight identity, ancestor’s homeland and freedom of speech, the faith of democracy can be preserved by us will continue our long lasting struggle. It is up to our people and Tamazgha nation as a whole to ensure that it is not the case of what they think we are but it is who we are.

By M.B.

30-10-2008 Adrar Nefusa - Libya

[1] [2] 2006-11-13.

[3] It was known once that this island were inhabited by imazighen until in 1969, Kaddafi overthrew the government of King Idris they all moved to Zwara leaving their island in the hands of corrupters.

[4] From media to hug telecom industrial, business centers, NGOs ...etc to the National Security Council it is all ruled and owned by Kaddafi’s sons.

Friday, December 5, 2008


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« La bataille de l’uranium a commencé »
Reponse a l’Amiral d’Arbonneau !
Rassemblement de solidarité à Paris le 15 décembre 2007
Un tournant pour le Mouvement des Nigériens pour la Justice ?
Après les Tutsi du Rwanda, la France veut elle organiser le génocide des Touareg du Niger ?
"NIGER, le retour rampant de l’exception"
Vous êtes ici : Accueil » L’info » Droits humain

Désert Rebel à Mains d’Oeuvres
4 décembre 2008

Dès 15h • projections et rencontre, entrée libre Dès 20h00 • Concerts, 10€ en prévente /13€

Mains d’Œuvres s’associe à Cultures et Résistances en accueillant en résidence pendant un mois les musiciens touaregs et français du collectif Désert Rebel. Un espace de travail mis à disposition pour la création musical et vidéo du Sound System et la répétition du live, des rencontres et des ateliers seront mis en place sur le territoire avec les habitants de saint-Ouen. A l’issue de leur résidence, ils présenteront pour la première fois leur Sound system.

encore . . .

Al-Qaeda in Iraq Commander Urges Algerian Mujahideen to Fight Christian Berbers

Kabylia - Terrorism - islam
Al-Qaeda in Iraq Commander Urges Algerian Mujahideen to Fight Christian Berbers
2 December 2008

Abu Turab Al-Jaza’iri, an Algerian jihadist who claims to be a commander in Al-Qaeda in Iraq, recently posted a letter on the Shumukh Al-Islam jihadist forum urging members of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to fight Berbers from the Kabylia region who have converted to Christianity. The MEMRI (...) continue

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


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